Since I posted last on June 25, lots has gone on. Our grandson, Caleb, and his bride, Rachel, were married on June 27 in Colorado Springs, CO. A lovely wedding and reception after. We are delighted to welcome Rachel into our family.
On July 2, we went from Colo. Spgs to Galeton CO where gracious friends provided a lovely huge apartment for us for the summer.
On July 5, we had a Mimms Family Reunion with 48 attending, mostly our side of the family (of course, when you have 8 children, 13 grandchildren and 9 great-gramds. what do you expect?) It was held at our son and daughter=in-law's home, John and Ramona Baker, in order to avoid a daily rain storm. It's a good thing, as there was a rain. I took some pictures, but none of the groups turned out well. We had a good time and a delightful potluck meal.
We had decided to see if we could sell our travel trailer which we had lived in 24-7 for 10 years,, so we started to clean it out. You can't imagine how much STUFF you can stuff into a trailer in that time. We mostly gave it away, but saved a little and gave away a little. While this was going on, I got sick and spent 3 days in the hospital. The diagnosis was gastritis. I was one sick cooky. Really glad to get back home and recuperate. While this was going on, we did sell the trailer. I am now nearly back to normal again.
We are now knee deep in our concert schedule for the summer. It will keep us busy.
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