Sunday, August 23, 2009

It's been exactly a month since I posted last time.
We are now through our concerts here in Colorado and only have a week left to stay here. I am back to normal again and am feeling fine. All told, we did 16 concerts or special music things.
We got a 'new' (to us) Chrysler van which is very nice. We are enjoying it lots. It looks very much like our old one but is 7 years newer and almost 100,000 miles fewer.
We feel so blessed during our stay this year. God has really been good to us.
We head north to Cheyenne WY for a short visit, then to Saratoga WY, then to Lincoln City and Salem OR, Vancouver WA, then Stockton and Lodi CA.
Our projected arrival back in Desert Hot Springs CA for the winter is Oct. 7 or 8.