Thursday, September 06, 2007

News from Northern Colorado

It’s been a while since I updated this. I have been without a computer as mine bit the dust. Ah well, it was seven years old and had done yeoman’s duty all that time. I can’t complain, except that I’ve been without a computer and it is hard not to have one when you’re used to one... I have ordered a new one and it should be here in a week or so, at least before we leave here the 20th. My son, John, is helping me with it. Right now I am using the neighbor’s computer. Thank heaven for good neighbors.
We have been really busy this summer and have done quite a few concerts. We’ve seen lots of family and friends, too. I started a new quilt for our daughter, Connie. As of now I have it nearly half done. Many of you know that I make quilts basically by hand, using the lap quilting technique which does not require a quilting frame. I have made lots of them and really enjoy it. The quilt shown here is my granddaughter, Amanda's.
Although we have enjoyed our stay here and love the place we are parked now on the farm out by Galeton, CO, we are getting ready to leave and go back to southern CA for the winter. We also have made arrangements to go to the Mimms’ Reunion in Lubbock, TX, on October 20. Before we leave here I have a 55th Class Reunion on September 15. That’ll be fun and interesting.

1 comment:

Tammy said...

I don't think I'd seen Amanda's quilt. It's really pretty! What is the other side?

I think I'll have fun figuring out my materials! I don't know, but Mike might want some input too! :)