Since we live in a very small house (a park model of 399 sq. ft.) and before that lived in a 290 sq. ft. trailer, we opted not to replace our little dog. For a long time, we had no pet. Then our daughter, Connie, gave Travis a fish in a fish bowl for a birthday present two years ago. He is a Betta, a Siamese Fighting Fish. As you can see, he is a lovely color, silvery blue. We got him while we were in Colorado and had to bring him clear to southern California. This was done in a quart jar with holes punched in the lid. We had to bring him in with us when we stopped as it was still very hot. He weathered the move well and we have enjoyed him ever since. Bettas live in small amounts of water and live alone well. Their average life span is 2 to 3 years, so we don't know how much longer he'll be with us. We already have arrangements for someone to fish sit him while we are gone this summer.
Travis named him Gadget as Travis is a gadget man. He loves all kinds of neat gadgets, like a temperature gun which tells you the temp of whatever you point it at. He has many electronic gadgets, too.
1 comment:
Gadget looks good! It's good you found someone to watch him so he doesn't have to travel this summer!
Great photo too!
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