We're just about ready to start on another trek or advemture. We leave tomorrow morning for northeastern Colorado and my youngest brother's home. We go to visit my sister and husband with him, then to Kansas to visit a friend and a cousin (well, she's a friend, too) and then to Arkansas to see our two daughters who live there. It's been two years since we visited them, so we are really looking forward to that. By now the weather has moderated some there. We'll almost be in time for the fall colors there.
I finished the king size quilt for Tammy and started on another one, this time for grandson, David, who just turned ten. I am almost ready to start the final assembling of that one.
We just had a reunion/reception on Sept. 20, with nearly 40 attending. Our oldest daughter, Connie, graciously lent her house and yard for this. Tammy and Mike who are getting married Nov. 1 were the honored guests. Also it was Kylene's second birthday. Lots of fun and visiting was enjoyed.
As usual, the last two weeks turned into a circus, with trying to see everyone we know for the last time. It isn't possible.
The weather is moderating in southern California and we are thinking about arriving back there in about a month. Doesn't see as if the summer trip is almost over already.